Voice4Change England (V4CE) is a charity and national advocate for the Black and Minoritised voluntary and community sector (BME VCS).
How we will achieve our mission:
Increase the involvement of the Black and Minoritised VCS in shaping national policy development and decision-making
Increase awareness of the Black and Minoritised VCS’ impact and value
Seek resources and improve the capacity of VCOs to meet the needs of Black and Minoritised and other disadvantaged communities
Participate in the planning and management of Third Sector initiatives

Our journey in supporting racial equality
Started when Voice4Change England first developed out of a national summit held in October 2005. The event brought together over 40 Black and Minoritised organisations to discuss how the sector’s interests could best be represented within national policy-making and programme development. Over 15 years on, the need for V4CE is as strong as it ever was.
Today, as the UK's leading national membership organisation dedicated to the Black and Minoritised VCS, we continue to actively speak up to policymakers on the issues that matter to the sector, bring the sector together to share good practices and develop the sector to better meet the needs of communities.
Our recent campaigns have included supporting: the Home Office with administering the £500K Windrush Community Fund; awareness of the impacts of voter ID legislation; Covid-19 vaccine uptake and related mental health initiatives in the Black and Minoritised community; and Lambeth Council with giving redress to victims of prolonged, historic child abuse.